Cape Baptist Church
where we're all about "Knowing Jesus, and Making Him Known!"

About Cape Baptist Church
Old Fashioned, Independent, Fundamental, KJV
In 2014, the Lord laid a heavy burden upon the heart of Pastor Jimmy Jackson, stirring within him a deep concern for the souls of this very city. While faithfully serving the Lord in Milton, FL, Meriden, CT, and Marion, NC the Lord continually impressed upon Pastor Jimmy the spiritual darkness that shrouded Cape Girardeau. A decade later, that seed of concern began to sprout and grow, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and support of many churches, the vision for Cape Baptist Church was born."
At the heart of Cape Baptist Church lies a fervent desire to proclaim the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ, without apology, to every soul within our community. We believe that the Good News of Salvation is for all people, regardless of their age, race, culture, or circumstance. Though our journey has just begun, we have already witnessed the miraculous hand of God at work as He builds this local church in this vibrant city on the Mississippi.
This is the Jackson family Jimmy, Samantha, Alexia, Makenna, Brennan, and Harper!
Pastor Jimmy’s path to ministry was a journey marked by God’s grace. Raised in a non-Christian military family, he regularly found himself far from the comforts and guidance of a faithful church and ignorant of God's Word. However, in November of 1999, the Lord intervened, and Pastor Jimmy heard the Gospel presented and received Jesus as his Savior on Nov 21, 1999. Called to the ministry soon after, he began training for the ministry in 2003.
Pastor Jimmy has been a bi-vocational Pastor and Industrial HVAC technician for over 20 years. He now enjoys teaching HVAC at a local Technical College.
Samantha grew up in a single-parent home with a loving Christian father who worked sacrificially to provide her with a stable Christian home. On January 6, 2007, she received Christ as her Saviour and entered Bible College.
Her joy is her husband, family, and loving on her church family. As an avid planner and lover of nature, Samantha often finds an excuse to get outside and enjoy God's Creation.
Our family can't wait to meet your family!
Connect With Us Online or in person!

Join Us!
The "Monarch 55" Event Center at the Cape/Jackson Exit 99 on I-55
5701 Old Cape Rd. E., Jackson, Mo 63755
Sunday - 11 am (potluck at 12 pm)
Wednesday - 7 pm (Finger food to follow)
Sending Church
New Manna Baptist Church
PO Box 1286 Marion, NC 28752Office: 828-652-7729
Please send "Jacksons to Cape Girardeau" Church Plant support to: "Central Missionary Clearinghouse"
Memo: James and Samantha Jackson